These resolutions are for environmentalists, ecomodernists, climate change denialists, futurists, and whatever other -ist you might be. The fact is that the modern world relies on energy - and we need to be smarter about it.
All of the "ists" mentioned above want the same thing, to prosper as a society now and in the future. We have many different ideas on how to do this, and we all have an agenda that we want to further. We should each keep working on our projects, innovations, and policies, but we need to be open to the ideas of others. Solutions to abundant, economic, and sustainable energy will involved renewables, and nuclear, and yes, even fossil fuels - not to mention anything else we come up with in the meantime: hydrogen fuel, mass energy storage, fusion, etc. Fighting against each other is not helping us reach our goals. The best solutions to big problems come from people working together, so let's put that into practice.
2. Take Responsibility
There are many reasons why we shouldn't take our natural resources for granted. They will not last forever and we may destroy our environment. I believe that we can prosper as a society without compromising our planet. But governments, companies, and consumers need to take responsibility for taking progressive action. Right now, we penalize those that abuse the environment. But when people can take responsibility for a common cause, as many companies and consumers are already doing, then we come up with better and more economic solutions. Instead of penalizing, let's reward those that are taking responsibility and leadership to conserve our natural environment.
3. Invest in Innovation
From fire to coal to gas, fossil fuels have allowed us to grow and prosper and modern society is still very much dependent on them. But it's time to upgrade the energy system to technologies that are more advanced and abundant. Science fiction stories always have some sort of "unlimited" energy source. Well, we have the technology to this; it doesn't have to be fiction. We were able to develop nuclear weapons in a matter of months (a bad thing but an amazing story nonetheless) and get a man on the moon - before computers or the ability to bring masses of global minds together. With some drive and commitment, the impossible becomes possible. And hopefully it doesn't take a war or an energy crisis to motivate us to innovate.
Let's make 2017 about moving past our differences, using our resources responsibly and investing in the future of energy. This way, we can all win.
Also, don't forget to vote for my video in the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week blogging contest! To vote, just rate it using the stars on the bottom of the post.