Happy Engineer's Week! Here at Nuclear Undone, we encourage women to pursue science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields and other careers that are traditionally male-dominted. The stigma against women as engineers is slowly changing and this recent commercial from General Electric is evidence. GE's motivation behind this commercial was to "celebrate the childlike wonder in all of us." But actually, they are also portraying that women can be engineers and change the world for the better and also be moms and inspire their kids. This commercial is really encouraging and I hope that it shows young women that they can have a positive impact on the world by designing technologies that help humankind.
By Lenka Kollar Happy Engineer's Week! Here at Nuclear Undone, we encourage women to pursue science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields and other careers that are traditionally male-dominted. The stigma against women as engineers is slowly changing and this recent commercial from General Electric is evidence. GE's motivation behind this commercial was to "celebrate the childlike wonder in all of us." But actually, they are also portraying that women can be engineers and change the world for the better and also be moms and inspire their kids. This commercial is really encouraging and I hope that it shows young women that they can have a positive impact on the world by designing technologies that help humankind. Another initiative changing the way women are portrayed is the Lean In Collection on Getty Images. Lean In is the nonprofit organization founded by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg to empower all women to achieve their ambitions. The goal of the new image collection is to change the way women are portrayed in the work place from the traditional stock photos that feature women in heels climbing a ladder or a baby in briefcase. These photos show all types of women doing all kinds of jobs, including being mothers. Being a proponent of women in technology, the image below is one of my favorites. Let's add some women in nuclear to the collection! What are some examples that you've seen of women being portrayed differently than the traditional stereotypes?
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January 2017