The annual American Nuclear Society (ANS) Winter Meeting is in Washington, DC, this week and it kicks off with the Young Professional Congress (YPC). Young professionals from across the nuclear industry come together to discuss topics ranging from nuclear energy to work life balance and management skills. The workforce of the nuclear industry is aging and it is refreshing to see young faces in an industry that is resurfacing in the United States and around the world.
I was asked to participate on the "Work Life Balance" panel because of my personal blog, Healthy Fit Goddess. I spoke about how to incorporate a healthy lifestyle into your work life and why it's important to do so. You can see my presentation on Prezi. The other panelists (pictured below) included Shaheen Dewji of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Allison Miller of Sandia National Laboratory, and Rian Bahran of Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The final session of the day was the "Voice of the Young Generation," where we voiced our concerns about ANS and the nuclear industry and our ideas for the future. We are passionate about communicating with policymakers and the public about nuclear energy issues and nuclear technology. We are also concerned about digitally archiving the knowledge of the past as the workforce retires. The enthusiasm and ambition of the young professionals in ANS is encouraging for a bright future for the nuclear field.
Are you attending the ANS meeting this week? I hope to see you there!